Senior Staff Scientist in the Theory Group at SLAC.
Recent research
Axion Cooling patch for MESA stellar evolution code
Multiangle Suppression of Collective Neutrino Oscillations
Self-refraction of supernova neutrinos: three-flavor effects
Research Interests
Particle astrophysics and cosmology
Neutrinos in
terrestrial experiments, astrophysics and cosmology
Supernova physics
Dark matter
Particle physics beyond the Standard Model
Workshops and events
SLAC Theory seminar schedule
SITP seminar schedule
Physics Department colloquia
PINS 2019 workshop (Schedule of talks here)
PINS 2017 workshop (Schedule of talks here)
INFO 15 workshop (Schedule of talks here)
SF14 workshop
(Schedule of talks here)
LBNE Santa Fe 2014 workshop (Schedule of talks here)
INFO 13 workshop (Schedule of talks here)
SF12 workshop (Schedule of talks here)
INFO 11 workshop (Schedule of talks here)
SF10 workshop (Schedule of talks here)
INFO 09 workshop (Schedule of talks here)
SF08 workshop (Schedule of talks here)
DR project on cosmic explosions (Schedule of talks here)
INFO 07 workshop (Talks posted here)
SF 06 workshop (Talks posted here)
INFO 05 workshop (Talks posted here)
About me
I'm a Senior Staff Scientist in the Theory Group at SLAC. Prior to that, I was at LANL, first as a Richard P. Feynman Fellow and then as a Staff Scientist.
I did my Ph.D. work with Hitoshi Murayama at UC Berkeley
(see also his IPMU site) and my postdoctoral work at the Institute for Advanced Study in Princeton, NJ
(supervisor John Bahcall).
List of my publications in the INSPIRE database.
My CV in pdf format
Contact information
Alexander Friedland
Theory Group, MS 81
SLAC National Accelerator Laboratory
2575 Sand Hill Rd
Menlo Park, CA 94025
