INFO 09 Program

Monday, 07/06
Tuesday, 07/07
Wednesday, 07/08
Thursday, 07/09
Friday, 07/10
10-11 a.m.
Sacha Kopp
(U. of Texas)

Results from MINOS
(PDF, 9.5 MB)
10-11 a.m.
Vincente Guiseppe

(PDF, 3 MB)

10-11 a.m.
Riccardo Cerulli

(PDF, 6.8 MB)

10-11 a.m.
Jim Braun
(U. of Wisconsin, Madison)

(PDF, 7.3 MB)

10-11 a.m.
Christian Cardall
(ORNL/U. of Tennessee)

Overview of Core-Collapse Supernovae Simulations
(PDF, 12.8 MB)

11 a.m. - noon
Stan Seibert

SNO low threshold
(PDF,  3 MB)
11 a.m. - noon
Francisco LePort
(Stanford U.)

(PDF, 5.2 MB)

11 a.m. - noon
Andrew Hime

(PDF, 4.2 MB)

11 a.m. - noon
Ian Shoemaker

Neutrinos from Dark Matter Q-balls
(PDF, 0.8 MB)

11 a.m. - noon
Stephen Bruenn
(Florida Atlantic U.)

Recent 2D and 3D Core-Collapse Supernovae Simulation Results Obtained with the CHIMERA Code
(PDF, 1.4 MB)

Movies and further info at
LUNCH, 12-1 p.m.
LUNCH, 12-1 p.m.
LUNCH, 12-1 p.m.
LUNCH, 12-1 p.m.
LUNCH, 12-1 p.m.
1-2 p.m.
Milind Diwan
(Brookhaven Natl Lab)

The Homestake Water Cherenkov Neutrino Detector and an Intense Broadband Neutrino Beam from FNAL (PDF, 4.6 MB)
1-2 p.m.
Arcadi Santamaria
(IFIC, Univ. Valencia-CSIC)

Right-handed neutrino magnetic moments
(PDF, 0.6 MB)

1-2 p.m.
Alexander Moiseev
(NASA Goddard)

New results from Fermi-LAT and their implications for the nature of dark matter and the origin of cosmic rays
(PDF, 5.1 MB)

1-2 p.m.
Maurizio Giannotti
(LANL/ Barry U.)

Constraints on new physics from stellar cooling
(PDF, 1.1 MB)

1-2 p.m. Alexander Friedland

Observing the explosion in supernova neutrinos
2-3 p.m.
Zelimir Djurcic
(Columbia U.)

Double CHOOZ
(PDF, 4 MB)

2-3 p.m.
Jose Wudka
(UC Riverside)

New physics in Majorana neutrinos at the LHC
(PDF, 0.7 MB)

2-3 p.m.
Danny Marfatia
(Kansas U.)

Indirect detection of dark matter
(PDF, 1.8 MB)

2-3 p.m.
David Cline

The science of DUSEL
(PDF, 16.1 MB)

2-3 p.m.
Gail McLaughlin

The influence of neutrinos on accretion disk nucleosynthesis
3-4 p.m.
Coffee break
3-4 p.m.
Coffee break
3-4 p.m.
Coffee break

3-4 p.m.
Coffee break
3-4 p.m.
Coffee break
4-5 p.m.
Bill Louis

MiniBooNE oscillation results
(PDF, 3 MB)

Geoff Mills

A Near Detector for MiniBooNE
(PDF 0.9 MB)

4-5 p.m.
Raymond Volkas
(U. of Melbourne)

Neutrino and other fermion masses in domain-wall brane models
(PDF, 0.6 MB)

4-5 p.m.
Steve Blanchet
(U. of Maryland)

Probing resonant leptogenesis at the LHC
(PDF, 0.7 MB)

4-5 p.m.
David Caldwell

Testing a New Sterile Neutrino Dark Matter Candidate

4-5 p.m.
Liliana Caballero

Neutrinos from BH NS mergers
(PDF, 1.2 MB)

5-6 p.m.
Camillo Mariani
(Columbia U.)

(PDF, 5.7 MB)
5-6 p.m.
Josh Ruderman

Hidden Sector Dark Matter
(PDF, 3.4 MB)

Arif Erkosa
(University of Arizona)

Muon Flux from DM Annihillation
(PDF, 0.2 MB)

5-6 p.m.
John Cherry

Multiangle Simulation of Neutrino Flavor
transformation in Supernovae
(PDF, 6.6 MB)

Back to the main page

Alexander Friedland
Last modified: Thu 9 2009