Axion cooling patch to MESA

This webpage contains a patch implementing additional cooling due to axion-photon coupling in the MESA stellar evolution code:

A. Friedland, M. Giannotti, & M. Wise, Constraining the Axion-Photon Coupling with Massive Stars, 1210.1271 [hep-ph].

These patch is an integral part of the paper. It also answers the MESA Manifesto, which we strongly support.

The patch is by design minimalistic. It is hoped that in time it can be implemented in a more systematic fashion in the regular distribution of MESA.

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Usage instructions

Download and install MESA. Note that our simulations were carried out using SVN revision 3794 (2011-12-15). Things in MESA do change from version to version! To reproduce our results exactly, you may thus need to use
	svn co -r 3794 mesa
Next, copy our neu.f over the standard version in $MESA_DIR/neu/private/. Run ./mk to build MESA.

Once you built MESA, copy our run.f into you src work directory. This is whatever directory you are doing runs from (we assume you followed the recommended setup for MESA) . For example, for us it can be something like research/axion/mesa/work/10.5M_to_C0.5/src/run.f .

To run, in addition to the standard MESA inlist files, you'll also need to edit the file inlist_bsm. All you do there is specify "axion_g10 = (whatever number you want)".

If everything compiles as planned, run and enjoy!

Technical note on compilation

We have used Intel's ifort compiler for MacOS X, version 12.1. The patch is expected to also work with other established FORTRAN compilers that can successfully build MESA, but this has not been tested by us. Please do let us know your experience with other compilers, particularly if any incompatibilities are encountered.

I like this patch. May I use it in my research?

You may use this code in your research. If you choose to do so, you will need to cite:

    A. Friedland, M. Giannotti, & M. Wise, Constraining the Axion-Photon Coupling with Massive Stars, arXiv:1210.1271 [hep-ph];
    B. Paxton et al, Modules for Experiments in Stellar Astrophysics (MESA), ApJS 192, p 3 (2011); arXiv:1009.1622 [astro-ph.SR].

You also need to adhere to the terms spelled out in the MESA Manifesto. In particular, any modifications and additions are to be made open source and given back to the community. Likewise, you need to make available in a timely fashion (e.g., online at the MESA website) all information needed for others to recreate your MESA results—“open know how” to match “open source.”

History of this webpage

This page was creates on October 2, 2012, to accompany the preprint of this paper posted on The arXiv and INSPIRE links were updated on October 5.

Alex Friedland & Maurizio Giannotti