Animations for 1006.2359 [hep-ph]
This webpage contains animations and additional information for this
H. Duan & A. Friedland,
Suppression of Collective Neutrino Oscillations
in a Supernova,
1006.2359 [hep-ph].
These animations are an integral part of the paper, just like the
figures and the text.
See also Huaiyu's
at the University of New Mexico
What can I find on
this page?
Inverted mass
Evolution from 125 km
to 250 km (the triggering of the instability)

Download the movie file here (12.9 MB).
Evolution from 125 km
to 1,000 km (full extent of collective effects, large file)
Notice that this includes both solar- and atmospheric-induced
collective transformations.

Download the movie file here
(26.7 MB).
Evolution to 10,000
(formation of the final spectrum)
This encompases the solar MSW effect.

Download the movie file here
(3 MB).
Normal mass hierarchy
Evolution from 125 km
to 250 km (the triggering of the instability)

Download the movie file here (12.8 MB).
Evolution from 125 km
to 1,000 km (full extent of collective effects, large file)

Download the movie file here
(31.3 MB).
Evolution to 10,000
km (formation of the final spectrum)

Download the movie file here
(3.1 MB).
Technical note on
displaying the animations
These movies should play in a variety of players. If you encounter
difficulties, a good, free, cross platform player is VLC, get it here.
I like these results.
May I use them in my talk?
You may use these movies in your research or presentations. If you
choose to do so, please cite
H. Duan and A. Friedland, Self-Induced Suppression of Collective
Neutrino Oscillations in a Supernova, ArXiv:1006.2359 [hep-ph]
History of this webpage
This page was creates on June 11, 2010, to accompany the preprint of
paper posted on
Alex Friedland, June 13, 2010